We fight all night.
You take my thrust and feel it back with your force.
The moon watches us fiercely as
you scream and kick and clench the covers.
You bury my face into submission.
I wrap my hands around your neck
and penetrate you with my sword.
We grapple and fight and wrestle so hard we try to kill each other;
The blood is rushing everywhere.
We turn over and you try to escape,
but I don’t let you leave;
I tempt you to finish the fight.
This whole night you want to fight.
I could see it when I came home drunk from the club,
you wanted to fight so bad.
We hadn’t fought in so long and tonight you wanted to do it.
So I took charge and swept you to the battleground;
the battleground where we settled our duels.
And now your skin is hot and your smell is trapped in my hands
and oh my god
do I enjoy the smell of you.
Hot and red in the face,
convulsing under my touch,
as I stab, stab, stab you to death.
In the end, the sheets are bloody with passion.
Our bodies, mutilated by the affair.